Question / Help Scene Transitions Duration -MS- Question


New Member
When you open OBS Studio, at the bottom right, it says "Duration" and next to it "ms".

I noticed that when you increase the ms it makes your scenes transition slower, but some viewers were telling me the stream was also slower.

So I set it back to default etc.

My question was: If I made it even LOWER, to like 1 or 2 (whatever is the lowest it can get):

-Would that make the stream faster?
-Would it take more CPU if I lower it/up it? (the ms)

Thank you very much :)


Forum Moderator
What does "it made the stream slower" mean? Not sure what type of problem you're trying to describe. Does it show up in any VODs or recordings? Can you reproduce the problem? You can also just use a cut transition (instant) instead of fade transition with a very low duration.


New Member
Oh no no it doesn't show up on any vods/recordings. When I mean slower I mean if reducing/up-ing the ms on obs use more CPU or anything as such that may slower my other games running in background/CPU, OR if it slows the stream itself (cuz one viewer was telling me the stream was fuzzy or slower than usual when I put the ms at 9000 for fancy transitions heheh)

Thank you very much :)


Forum Moderator
If it doesn't show up on any VODs or recordings then I'd have to assume it was a problem on that user's end of things. Full screen fades are a little more expensive since you're more or less changing every pixel simultaneously but it shouldn't be anything earth-shattering.