Question / Help Scene swiching and audio [solved]


New Member

We are streaming with the following constellation:

We have two Cameras and get the signals with a hdmi input. We get the sound via usb from a mixing console.

I have different scenes.
One with cam A, another scene with cam B and a third scene with A and B.

In the video-source settings it is set that the audio is always taken via the usb device.

Now this happens: When we switch between the scenes, the adio has a little break. We are a church streaming our services with music and the sermon and it is annoying to always have those breaks when we swich between the scenes.

Is there a setting so that the sound goes on seemless when the scenes are switched?

Thanks a lot!

PS: I searched the forum before posting but didn´t find anything about it. If I missed it, I´m sorry.


New Member
Re: Scene swiching and audio

No. I thought that global source only means that the settings are kept when you add the source to a scene.


Community Helper
Re: Scene swiching and audio

What it really means is that the source stays loaded in memory even when switching away from the scene. If it wasn't a global source, it would be unloaded from memory when you switch away from the scene, and when you switch back to it, it has to take several hundred milliseconds to "spin back up". Adding them as global sources means they stay alive between scenes, which could eliminate the breaks you're experiencing.


New Member
Re: Scene swiching and audio

Thanks a lot!
That solves it.
Great work with this masterpiece of software.
