Question / Help Scene Overlay Help


New Member
I'm attempting to overlay an IRC chat into the livestream. I've seen it done but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.

Here's an example of what I get:

For the game (Defiance in this case) I'm using Game Capture. For chat (I alternate between Irssi or Twitch Dashboard Lite; this is Irssi) I use Window Capture, highlight the inner regions of the window and set a chroma key.

What it's doing however is showing the game screen based on where the Irssi window is located on my desktop, upper left corner in this case, then displaying that region to the area I moved the Irssi scene to in Edit Scene.

I'm running the game in full screen rather than full borderless windowed if that matters?


Active Member
I've had this happen with Twitch Chat (popped out) if I had more than one chat window popped out. Not sure what causes it, but closing all related windows (only having my own chat popped out) appears to fix it after swapping to another scene and back again. Guessing the window cap identification is messing up for some reason.


New Member
After playing around some more, what seems to be happening is once I switch back to the game, that's when OBS takes the graphics from where the box is located on my desktop and displays them where I told it to display the box contents.

I even tried starting a stream with chat disabled then enabling the chat scene in OBS. It was perfect up til the game was the active window again.

Is everyone using multiple monitors or something? I only have a single monitor.


New Member
No, I actually tried having everything minimized but that didn't work until I have the chat window up. Nothing is "on top" or whatever. It works perfectly when I'm alt-tabbed to desktop but once I switch back to the game it starts taking the game graphics in the chat box region again.

That's why I'm left wondering if all overlay livestreamers own two monitors or something.


No, my example was on 1 monitor as well and quality aside (I didn't even attempt to make the overlay look pretty) you can see it worked just fine. Basically the same situation -- Borderless Window game (A Game of Dwarves), capturing it with Game Capture and capturing a separate (chroma key-ed) window as an overlay. Switching back and forth between either did nothing like you're seeing.

You have this issue with the Twitch.tV chat window as well? As in, the popped out browser window?


New Member
I haven't tried that yet, just chat from the Twitch Dashboard Lite and Irssi so far. I've tried both fullscreen (Defiance) and also tried a RaiderZ stream in full size borderless windowed and it did the same behavior.


New Member
Ok think I fixed it: I had Aero disabled like it suggested, but enabling it lets it capture everything fine.

Now if I can just pretty up that chat overlay so it's readable...