Scene inheritance


New Member
Hi all,

Some time ago I posted a suggestion about having an option to set the same source in all the scenes. But I changed that idea to something else instead.

Imagine a tree structure of the scenes instead. You have the main scene. It could for instance be your "Game Scenes". In there you have your "Donation alert", "Follower alert" etc. Because that's just annoying to set up for all the scenes you have as it is now. Then you could possibly right click "Game Scenes" and make an "Inherited Scene" so you can have the "Be right back"-scene and "Stream starts soon"-scene and the "Games"-scene etc. And once more you could possibly right click the "Games"-scene to have the various game settings scenes here. I made special graphics overlay for Diablo 3 and Assassin's Creed Black Flag with a different placement of the webcam. Because I don't want to cover the same part in different games.

I hope this makes sense and is something the developers could consider. In my opinion it would make it so much easier to set up scenes :-)

Thank you .-)