Scaling down an SDI signal source input with a Blackmagic device causes jaggies.


New Member
The default size (1920 x 1080) looks fine, but when it is reduced, jaggies appear.
Please tell me how to prevent jaggies.


Active Member
How are you reducing it?
  • In the capture device? That's a BM problem, not OBS.
  • In the scene? Right-click the source, go to Transform, and see what you have there.
  • As the final output? (Settings -> Video -> Canvas...) Change from Bilinear (fast and dirty default) to something better.

It's also possible, from what little you've said here, that you're looking at a scaled preview and not the full resolution. That can cause artifacts in the preview that are not present in the output.

A screenshot would be good. (PrntScn key, then paste here. Not a camera to the screen, as the camera will add its own artifacts.)


New Member
Thank you for replying to my question.

I'm reduceing the screen using "Move transition"

Move transition

The reduction setting is as shown in the attached image.(settings1.png, setting2.png)

The reduction setting is as shown in the attached image.(VideoOutputSetting.png)
 Base resolution : 1920 * 1080
 Output resolution : 1920 * 1080
 Reduceing Filter : Match resolution, no downscaling filter needed


  • settings1.png
    87.5 KB · Views: 24
  • settings2.png
    153.5 KB · Views: 27
  • VideoOutputSetting.png
    54.6 KB · Views: 26


Active Member
I don't have that plugin, so I can't replicate the problem. But I do notice that your "Easing Function" is Cubic. What else can you choose there?


New Member
I can select the content of the attached image (EasingFunctions.png).


  • EasingFunctions.png
    25.6 KB · Views: 26


Active Member
That's probably not what I thought it was, then. I was expecting something like this, from OBS's native settings:

Farther down that list is better quality and higher CPU load. Bilinear is more likely to produce your problem than Lanczos is.

The Move Transition might not have the setting that you need, and it might be stuck with a computationally cheap, low-quality scaling method. At this point, I think you're better off to ask in its dedicated Discussion thread, in case the person who knows the answer only looks there.