Question / Help Scaling, Canvas Size confusion


New Member
I see three possible ways to "resize" a source in OBS Studio 64-bit:
  • Settings > Video > Base (Canvas) Resolution
  • Settings > Video > Output (Scaled) Resolution
  • Edit Menu > Transform > Fit to screen
I have no idea how these settings impact the quality of my local recordings, because the general output looks the same: The stream is "full screen" which is what I ultimately want. Here's more detail on my specific recording scenario:

I have a game that is in a fixed resolution of 800x600. I setup a recording profile at 720p. I set my Base Canvas to 720p and scaling to 720p in Video settings. Then I set "Fit to Screen". The source I'm using is "Game Capture". Note I also tried having Base Canvas to my native desktop resolution, which is 1440p.

What is the best setup for my specific scenario? How do you know when you need base canvas to be larger than the scaling resolution?