Saving Resolution Settings for each profile

Hello, I use OBS for about 5-6 months and particularly when you first added the ability to Edit windows in "Edit Scene" using a single click on them.

My suggestion is that you should definitely add seperate settings for each scene!

I have saved some Scenes and named them like "PC Online broadcast - LoL" , "PC Online broadcast - Low" and "Offline broadcast". In Offline broadcast I use 1920x1080 resolution. In Online Broadcast I use maximum 1280 resolution.

So each time I go either online or offline I have to change the resolution. Sometimes I forget it and this is where I get feedback to "Zoom Out window" after 5 minutes and I think that's totally ridiculous for me. I also want to save different scenes for each game, but each one has it's own resolution so I have to experiment many times. I won't be treated as professional if I do these mistakes. So predefined resolution settings for each scene would really save the day!

Thank you.


Community Helper
Scenes all have to have the same resolution setting because you can switch between them while a recording is in progress. You can't change the resolution of a recording in the middle of the recording, so switching a scene should not trigger a resolution change.

Once scene collections are added in (should be the next release or release after that) then perhaps that will be closer to what you are looking for.