Question / Help RX480 crossfire VS GTX 1070 OC

Baptiste Debes

New Member
Hi everyone,

I would like to know which option do you advice me between a RX480 8go crossfire and a GTX 1070 OC (by asus). I've heard that crossfire could cause problems with obs, I've also heard about a special feature with nvidia cards. I don't know which option is the best, I think they have both advantages but I'm not sure.

Thanks in advance,

Baptiste Debes

Baptiste Debes

New Member
Could you give me more details about it ? Because I read that a rx480 crossfire could beat a 1080 on a sample of games. For the others, games which are 3 years or older could be supported by one card. It's for the games between that problems can appear. But my real question is : "Is there still any problems with a crossfire and obs ?"



Active Member
The problems are reduced in OBS Studio, however the benchmarks you're quoting are games that are actually optimized for multi-gpu setups. They are technically outliers in that regards. Not a lot of games are as optimized for multi-gpu setups, and there are some games that outright can't use them.
There's even a handful of games that perform worse in multi-gpu systems.