Question / Help RTSP stream from IP camera delay in input in preview


New Member
Hello, this is a very great solution. I want to try it on a linux NUC. I downloaded Obs is running well already.
But unfortunately I do not know how to install this as a obs-plugin.
Who can help ?


New Member
STEPHANVS, you sir are my new HERO!!! For over a year now I have had an issue with RTSP streaming my IP camera whereby the video part of the stream slowly falls behind and gets further and further away from being 'live' while the audio stays live. It was so bad that if I left it streaming overnight then the next day it would be like 30 minutes delayed from the live image. Where all that 30 minutes of footage got stored I have no idea but I must have tried every single settings of ffmpeg to try and fix it will no luck. Turns out that its ffmpeg itself that is the problem and switching to GStreamer has complete fixed the issue for me and I can now finally stream my video with no sync issues.

It took me a while to figure out how to get both the video and audio working with GStreamer so if it helps anyone else then here is the pipeline I used:

uridecodebin uri=rtsp://usernane:password@ipaddress:554/Streaming/Channels/101/?transportmode=unicast.sdp name=bin ! queue ! video. bin. ! queue ! audio.
Are you putting this direct into the gstreamer plugin pipeline box into OBS?