Bug Report RTMPsockbuffilled, remote server closed connection RTMP Connect 1 handshake failed


New Member
Hey there, seen this issue many times on the forum however anything posted didnt help. So long story short was able to stream, run the regedit file to tweak performance (btw will leave a link for that file maybe someone with advanced knowledge would help me get the issue), OBS stopped working, giving me the mentioned error.


http://www.mediafire.com/file/944h3bbww3mksa3/Windows+Speed+Up.reg THE REGEDIT FILE

LINK TO THE VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6d2U-zBJXI

So as i understood it must be something with firewall or my ports being fucked up, however, i tried opening ports manually, uninstalling firewall, nothing happened.

Any help is appreciated.


New Member
Another update, tried to use VPN, before in the twitch connection server tool it only gave me failed, now with VPN enabled im having RTT values