Question / Help RTMP Flash server


New Member
Hello guys,

I`m making my debut at this forum.
I searched for some tips about RTMP Broadcasting here, but not found anything conclusive.

We have hired a streming service, but seems they only accepts flash video streaming. Is possible to use OBS to make this? I used Wirecast and worked, but I don`t like it that much.



Community Helper
Absolutely. Just set OBS to use a custom service, and supply the RTMP URL and stream key and it should work fine.


New Member
Hi Dodgepong,

Work fine? Wrong! Works PERFECTLY! We are impressed with the quality of the streaming and the possiblities of the OBS. A huge streaming software. For the newbies like me that are migrating from another softwares:

- What Wirecast calls "stream name" the OBS calls "Key".

Setting it should do the trick!

Thanks Master!