Question / Help RTMP Authentication and Streamname


New Member
Hi all,
I am trying to stream over a custom RTMP which needs authentication.
I added the username and password data in the config .ini file but OBS cannot stream.
I am using a rtmp entrypoint and have a streamname all together in the server config (rtmp://entrypoint/streamname).
Am I doing something wrong?


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Ah, yes, authentication can actually be done now I believe, though it's a bit tedious to set up because there's no UI.

Go to %appdata%\obs\profiles, then select the ini file of the profile you wish to use authentication with, then in the [Publish] section, add:

And that should enable authentication. Make sure OBS is not running while you do this, or it will overwrite your changes on exit.


New Member
Hi Jim
thank you for your kind answer.
Anyway, as I have said in my message, I've already modified the ini file, but OBS cannot connect and stream.
There's no firewall or anything active, as I have no problems when doing streaming with FMLE.
In the log I can see this:
14:13:56: librtmp error: rtmp server sent error
14:13:56: librtmp error: rtmp server requested close
14:13:56: Connection to rtmp://[myRTMPurl]/[MySTREAMNAME] failed: Could not access the specified channel or stream key. This could be because the key/channel is invalid, or because the server still thinks you are logged in.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Hm, not entirely sure what the problem is unfortunately, I don't really have experience with this myself -- I wish there were more information on what happened on the server end. Is this your own custom server or something?


New Member
Something like that, it's a server hosted by another company with Flash Media Server on the end.
With FMLE I place all the parameters (entrypoint and streamname) and when I click "connect", FMLE asks immediately for authentication.
After entering, everything runs smooth.
With OBS I can see that on the lower right of the program, the data transfer is frozen to 0kbps and a popup appears trying to reconnect.
Other suggestions. I cannot believe that no other one has got the same issue...


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
I'd have to try to replicate it, but I currently don't know how to do so.


Forum Admin
I would need the login info and server URL to test with, as I don't have access to any Adobe Media Server ingests.


Forum Admin
It seems RTMP authentication support is missing from the 64 bit build of OBS. It works fine in the 32 bit version. This will be fixed in the next release.