RSS Feed solution for OBS

Smart Net

Please advice any automation source/software able to add RSS to the OBS ticker (TXT with scroll filter effect) from outside web or local network.
Simply We are looking forward to use avalable feeds like BBC or ESPN directly and live (automaticly) at OBS.

Smart NET.


New Member
Easiest way I know to do this is to use an app called "Desktop Ticker", it's for Windows. Not sure if I can post links in here, but it's easy to find on Google. It has a lot of controls like speed, size, docking. Just play around with it I'm sure it will be useful to you.


New Member
I created a local HTML file you can use as browser source. Just change your RSS source, the colors and size and the extension of this file to .html


  • News_Ticker .txt
    2.4 KB · Views: 1,334

Smart Net

I created a local HTML file you can use as browser source. Just change your RSS source, the colors and size and the extension of this file to .html
This is great solution for RSS feed. However, I made mistake probably with the link. Could you please send some existing rss feed and i will find my mistake there.

Smart Net

Could you share what exactly you do for the RSS feed? I understand getting the xml but how to manipulate it as a ticker?
Just imagin if regular RSS feed can be used as a ticker in OBS. The only way i found is TXT DGI and scroll filter. But TXT DGI source can use only .txt files not .html or any other. Converting RSS Feedt to txt files will be great to check.


New Member
I'm currently in very early stages of developing an application in Python which outputs the summary field of an RSS feed to a text file which can then be used for the ticker.

I am a beginner programmer and this is my first project. Using the text file solution has its limitations so its still in a work in progress state. As I improve I will look into migrating it as an OBS Add-in.

Currently using it on my streams, see below.
