Bug Report Roxio purple screen using screen region


New Member
I've been having to deal with this, my operating system is windows 8. Every time I try to capture my Roxio preview screen with screen region, it show up with a purple screen. My Roxio preview screen works fine, but in the obs screen it shows up purple. At first it was working fine intill Windows 8 had to update, which was months ago and ever since I've been having this problem. I've searched basically everywhere for a solution, yet I still haven't found one. Alot people seem to have this problem on Windows 8. Can someone please try help. Thanks


heros in an halfshel
Does this happen when using monitor capture as well? I know the HD PVR preview thingy works when using Monitor Capture in Windows 8, but I unfortunately don't know when it comes to the Roxio.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
purple screen? that sounds odd. the error screen is supposed to be red


Forum Admin
If you're trying to screen region capture a hardware overlay you will likely just capture the overlay color.