Rounded Corners Request!


New Member
Hey there!

I wonder if there's any plugin that does rounded corners in a -good- way. What I need, and I don't think I'm alone is the ability to set rounded corners for sources and have them maintained when the size is altered.

In my case, I really need to switch between 16:9 ratio and 9:16 (portrait mode) on my camera feed, AND I want to keep using the Move plugin.

Using masks with the Move plugin doesn't work well at all, and the Advanced Mask plugin (I had good hopes for it) only sets rounded corners at the edges of the source's total size. If that source is cropped (into 9:16 portrait mode for example) those rounded corners are cropped away as well.

I cannot be the only one wanting this feature, right?


Suslik V

Active Member
Mask can be applied to the group of sources as well.

Edit: thus, you can crop sources inside at your wish.
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