Question / Help Robot voice


New Member
Hey folks! Did my first recording, which went great, but I have two questions.

One: I recorded on FB live- and I found I couldn't look at chat on my browser without getting an echo...?
Two: I had a weird robot voice throughout.

Would anyone please have any suggestions on what I can do to fix these issues? Thanks so much.


Echo maybe coming because you didn't mute your webcam mic. Always mute it because both the webcam mic and the mic you use will be both picking up the same room sound.
I can't play your stream, but i would guess that a robot voice would be caused by one of two things. Two programs attempting to communicate over the same audio device and fighting (this used to be a thing around windows 95 days, for sure). Or, you have some audio stuff set up at 48KHz and some at 44.1KHz, the two most common sampling rates. That can involve some sleuthing. Windows has sampling rates "when this device is shared" buried in advanced settings somewhere. Your sound devices may have their own drivers with their own rates. OBS has rate settings (Settings/Audio/General). Your webcam may have its own as well. Usually the robotic choppy sound I experience is because they aren't all set the same.