Question / Help RGB24 or YUY2


New Member
Have no idea what either of these are or if I should even use the "use output format" option. Just having a little trouble with my webcam looking a little weird and was wondering if I should have either of these on?


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Forum Moderator
They're not required, and they don't necessarily change anything significantly, they're just an alternative color space option which can sometimes relieve certain issues with certain devices. You can try them and see if it helps if you have a problem -- but what specifically *is* your problem, if you don't mind me asking? Perhaps a screenshot?


New Member
Ah yes, I am going to try to reconfigure the whole webcam setup to see if I can get it working. If not I will edit this with a screenshot!

Here is a screenshot I captured with Gyazo while just trying to figure out the camera streaming:

The real problem I seem to have is it just looks like lines are running through the back, and it just doesn't look great. I will be getting a green screen soon that will take out the back, but I still want it to look good on myself.

Edit: I believe I have it figured out now though. Just going to wait till I get my green screen to try and perfect it as much as I can from there.