Question / Help [resolu/Resolve] retour musique de pause / feedback music pause screen


New Member
Bonjour, j'ai un problème simple :
Je met une video mp4 en boucle comme musique de pause mais seul le stream l'entend et j'aimerai bien l'entendre aussi mais je n'ai pas trouvé comment fait si vous pouvez m'aider merci :)

Hello, i have a simple problem:
I have a Mp4 sound in loop for my pause screen but only the stream heard that not me so if you know how i can earn this too. Thanks You

Ps: Sorry for my bad english


New Member
maybe you can help me a last time the sound is very low on stream i must be 300% on the song output for have not too low song but if i boost i boost the noise too :(


New Member
no my sound is perfct for me but on stream my mic it's perfect but the deskop sound is very low compare to what i heard

Suslik V

Active Member
Close OBS Studio. Just open sound Mixer (under speaker icon) in Windows. Then run any media file by software player. Then run OBS Studio (Mic source should present in scene). See, if OBS volume icon in Windows Mixer lowers its level and look at software player's icon - it reduces the volume too?


New Member
It s ok but it's not really a problème just when I heard my music pause one capture my headset who heard that so it s in double

Suslik V

Active Member
I mean, that at Communications tab: Do nothing - must be selected.
as on the screenshot:

About sound double: make sure that at scene where you have monitoring media source, the desktop audio capture is not present (desktop audio is default device for monitoring audio). So, for pause screen, build new scene and place only media source in it (disable all global audio sources Settings>Audio).
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New Member
i have a new scene for this but audio mixtape i have my headset and the musique how disable for the scene ?

Suslik V

Active Member
You can disable audio device for all scenes only (via Settings>Audio), but then you can add 'Audio Output Capture' source (and 'Audio Input Capture' source) individually - per scene. Just place this audio sources in scenes where you are need them (do not place 'Audio Output Capture' source to "Pause" scene).