Resize Video Preview & Source/Scene Menus


If this is a previously-requested suggestion (or one already implemented) apologies and please let me know. These are very common terms so searching them is not too fruitful.

I stream/record with high-resolution displays (1440p and 4K). I also like to create a lot of different scenes.
However, no matter what I try, even at a maximized in 4K view, I can only view 4-5 ish scenes in my list without having to scroll. This becomes a pain for quickly switching between them without hotkeys.

Is it possible to implement a way to re-size the video preview area and/or the scene/source/buttons area so I can list all of my scenes without scrolling?



The Helping Squad
For OBS(1) the interface is pretty much hard coded as far as I know, which made it hard to change.
But in OBS-MP we will, in the future, have the ability to switch the complete UI if needed/wanted. After that is done, pretty much everyone will be able to design their own UI for OBS-MP.
For example making each section of OBS "dockable" if thats the correct term. So you could switch them around and change their sizes as you like.

As for all features, we cannot give an ETA on when it will be added.


Okay, awesome, thanks! Definitely loving OBS MP so far. Been doing a bunch of tutorials for it, definitely an awesome piece of software.