Request: Virtual Camera Output


New Member
Definitely the one thing that I am really wishing OBS had that I use maybe the most in other programs is the Virtual Camera Output or some sort of Skype integration.

I have a BMIP and I use the Virtual Camera output all the time in another program so I can Skype call my desktop and view the capture card from my phone, laptop, or any other computer. If OBS had this, then I would have no other reason to use any other program. Everything else with OBS is amazingly perfect.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
yep, sorry about that, but it's kind of lower on the priority list on the moment, but it will be added later in time


Forum Admin
As a somewhat hack-y workaround, you can start the stream, then start DxTory, which detects OBS as a source that it can capture, then capture OBS and output to DirectShow, and then use that DxTory DirectShow camera in whatever you need...

It's not pretty but it gets the job done. :/


New Member
dodgepong said:
As a somewhat hack-y workaround, you can start the stream, then start DxTory, which detects OBS as a source that it can capture, then capture OBS and output to DirectShow, and then use that DxTory DirectShow camera in whatever you need...

It's not pretty but it gets the job done. :/

Thanks. I'll try this when I get my desktop working again.