[Request] Additional file naming variables


New Member
Can you please add additional stats to the file name?

Specifically, I annotate my files with "CQP 24 and 60 FPS" (the encoding rate and fps) so I can quickly/easily compare differences. Worse, if I forget to change the filename when I change the encoding (ala DRY principle), the filenames are wrong.

As far as I can tell, OBS doesn't currently have that ability. It shouldn't be very hard to add that. (Worst case, I guess I could fork OBS.)

Thank you,


New Member
To add to this, being able to specify a folder and/or name based on the Scene Collection being used would be super helpful. Something like {scene-collection} or even just per scene collection settings would be super useful. Variables for most of the major input/settings types would be useful... or a way to roll your own.