Question / Help Remote Desktop Presenter for OBS?


New Member
I am trying to ingest a remote desktop is their a plugin that will work with this?
In my live broadcasts I often have power point presentations that go before a crowd and I need this as another source. I am coming from the wirecast studio side of things and their remote desktop presenter was a valuable tool. I am thinking that I can use a VNC server on the remote desktop and use a VNC client on the OBS server.

If anyone knows successfully how to setup OBS to receive a remote desktop please let me know.


Tim Turner


Active Member
Ideally, you'd try to stream from the same machine that's running those powerpoints and display capture the powerpoint's output side OR have a capture card in the streaming machine that would capture the output and feed it to the projector.

You should be able to window capture a remote session, although framerate and transitions aren't guaranteed.