Relation Child/Parent between Sources


New Member
Hello Guys,

Is it possible to add a filed into the properties box of a scene, that will able to select a "parent" relationship?
The goal it to link scenes between them, in this way when I tick the box "source" to appear/hide it, it will automaticly do the same action for all childs scenes linked.



Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Global sources is what you want to use for the time being. It allows a single source to be shared between multiple scenes and persist between scene changes. It's sort of a design flaw however because all sources really should do that automatically in the first place.


New Member
Hello Jim,

Sorry i probably made a mistake in my question :)
i'am not looking for a source shared into differents scene.
What i want to do, is to have a link between two sources, then when i tick or untick a source, the child(s) are tick/untick too.

For example:
Source 1: Image_1.jpg
Source 2: Image_2.jpg

When i tick Source 1, it automaticly tick the Source 2

Hope it's a little more clear :)


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Not possible at this time. In the future with new versions that will be a bit more feasible.