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Redirect YouTube Live Chat 0.1.0


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wimpy submitted a new resource:

Redirect YouTube Live Chat - A simple Python server that redirects to a YouTube channel's most recent live chat URL

Redirect YouTube Live Chat

A simple Python server that redirects to a YouTube channel's most recent live chat.

This script is primarily intended to run as a local server that can be embedded as multiple browser sources or Browser Docks in OBS Studio. The server will redirect to the most recent live chat URL for the given YouTube channel ID.

Full details on the projects GitHub page:


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hey i'm doing something similar, but i rely on a local nginx-php instalation, im my case i validate the message given by the chat url, so if the last video is not a "live" the page refreshes itself every few seconds until a valid live stream is found, so i don't need to refresh sources when i start a new live stream, i'm leaving you my php script if any of my ideas works for you


    1.9 KB · Views: 74


New Member
Hi @wimpy! When I try to run your code via Python I am receiving a syntax error on the command: z123456mychannelID123456z

Where "z123456mychannelID123456z" is my channel ID, of course.

Is there something I am not doing correctly? Do I need to have my channel ID in quotes or am I missing syntax somewhere when running the command? Let me know your thoughts - thank you so much!