Question / Help Records a single frame or every few seconds a few frames


New Member
Tried it with warframe. Seems like if I record on my ship, it's fine, but only if not having the game in focus.

I tried starting to record outside the game via hotkey and then going into the game. This seems to stop it from "freezing" right away, but once a mission starts loading, it stops recording properly. I can hear recorded audio fine, but it's the same damn frame for almost a minute.

When it "unfreezes", it looks terrible quality and only records for a few seconds, then it freezes on a frame.

The best it got was freezing for 2-3 seconds every 1-2 seconds (that's 2-3 of a dupe frame and 1-2 of garbled looking footage).

Not sure what the problem is. Seems like OBS isn't getting as much resources to do it's thing or something. Do I lower the quality? Up the priority settings? Do I have to downgrade my graphics settings in game?


New Member
OK, well, I did somewhat solve the problem.

1. I set the "Process Priority Class" under Advanced to "High" and this solve the dupe frame issue.
2. I upped the bitrate from 1000 to 3000 to get the quality near full

However, it's extremely hungry for CPU or GPU so I get terrible performance. After turning down my in-game settings to lowest (kept 1080p) and it records at full speed and is only choppy because my in-game performance was choppy.

So, looks like a need a beefier CPU or GPU, unless there is some other setting I need to change?

I don't know where the log is saved and I don't see a post about where to find it. :(

Derp. It's under help menu in the app.


New Member
Hmm. I tried with a lower bitrate and the x64 setting to the fastest possible and that seemed to work, but then my audio (headset) crashed or something. No audio at all. Had to disable and re-enable my headset to get it back.

When I got back out of the game, OBS was locked up and said it crashed. Also, the recording hangs my player. Not surprised since OBS crashed during the recording.

15:39:43: CLR host plugin strings not found, dynamically loading 4 strings
15:39:43: CLRHost::Initialize() attempting to load and start the .NET runtime (null)
15:39:43: CLRHost::Initialize() Found version v2.0.50727 .NET runtime
15:39:43: CLRHost::Initialize() Found version v4.0.30319 .NET runtime
15:39:43: CLRHost::Initialize() attempting to use v4.0.30319 .NET runtime
15:39:43: CLRHost::LoadInteropLibrary() load the assembly plugins\CLRHostPlugin\CLRHost.Interop.dll
15:39:43: CLRHost::LoadPlugins() attempting to load the plugin assembly CLRBrowserSourcePlugin
15:39:43: CLRHost:: Could not find/load browser settings at location C:\Users\TT\AppData\Roaming\OBS\pluginData\browser.json
15:39:43: CLRHost:: Exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'C:\Users\TT\AppData\Roaming\OBS\pluginData\browser.json'.
15:39:43: File name: 'C:\Users\TT\AppData\Roaming\OBS\pluginData\browser.json'
15:39:43:    at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
15:39:43:    at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
15:39:43:    at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share)
15:39:43:    at CLRBrowserSourcePlugin.Shared.BrowserSettings.Reload()
15:39:44: CLRHost::LoadPlugins() successfully added CLR plugin [Type: CLRBrowserSourcePlugin.CLRBrowserSourcePlugin, Name: CLR Browser Source Plugin]
15:39:52: No Intel graphics adapter visible in QSVHelper.exe, Optimus problem?
15:39:52: Failed loading CUDA dll
15:43:14: Open Broadcaster Software v0.657b - 64bit ( ^ω^)
15:43:14: -------------------------------
15:43:14: CPU Name: AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 820 Processor
15:43:14: CPU Speed: 3360MHz
15:43:14: Physical Memory:  8190MB Total, 2251MB Free
15:43:14: stepping id: 2, model 4, family 16, type 0, extmodel 8, extfamily 0, HTT 1, logical cores 4, total cores 4
15:43:14: monitor 1: pos={0, 0}, size={1920, 1080}
15:43:14: Windows Version: 10.0 Build 10586 (revision 0)
15:43:14: Aero is Enabled
15:43:14: -------------------------------
15:43:14: OBS Modules:
15:43:14: Base Address     Module
15:43:14: 00000000DB4C0000 OBS.exe
15:43:14: 00000000052B0000 OBSApi.dll
15:43:14: 000000000E5B0000 CLRHostPlugin.dll
15:43:14: 000000000A340000 DShowPlugin.dll
15:43:14: 000000000E570000 GraphicsCapture.dll
15:43:14: 000000000FAD0000 NoiseGate.dll
15:43:14: 000000000E4A0000 PSVPlugin.dll
15:43:14: 000000000A310000 scenesw.dll
15:43:14: ------------------------------------------
15:43:14: Adapter 1
15:43:14:   Video Adapter: AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series
15:43:14:   Video Adapter Dedicated Video Memory: 2128769024
15:43:14:   Video Adapter Shared System Memory: 4294076416
15:43:14:   Video Adapter Output 1: pos={0, 0}, size={1920, 1080}, attached=true
15:43:14: =====Stream Start: 2016-06-20, 15:43:14===============================================
15:43:14:   Multithreaded optimizations: On
15:43:14:   Base resolution: 1920x1080
15:43:14:   Output resolution: 1920x1080
15:43:14: ------------------------------------------
15:43:14: Loading up D3D10 on AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series (Adapter 1)...
15:43:14: ------------------------------------------
15:43:14: Audio Format: 48000 Hz
15:43:14: ------------------------------------------
15:43:14: Audio Channels: 2 Ch
15:43:14: Playback device {}.{bb9e8173-d15c-4ef4-836b-26de5682aabe}
15:43:14: ------------------------------------------
15:43:14: Using desktop audio input: Headset (Logitech G930 Headset)
15:43:14: Global Audio time adjust: 0
15:43:14: ------------------------------------------
15:43:14: Using auxilary audio input: Microphone (Logitech G930 Headset)
15:43:14: Mic time offset: 0
15:43:14: ------------------------------------------
15:43:14: Audio Encoding: AAC
15:43:14:     bitrate: 128
15:43:14: Using graphics capture
15:43:14: Trying to hook process: Warframe.exe
15:43:14: Scene buffering time set to 700
15:43:14: ------------------------------------------
15:43:14: Video Encoding: x264
15:43:14:     fps: 30
15:43:14:     width: 1920, height: 1080
15:43:14:     preset: veryfast
15:43:14:     profile: high
15:43:14:     keyint: 250
15:43:14:     CBR: yes
15:43:14:     CFR: yes
15:43:14:     max bitrate: 2000
15:43:14:     buffer size: 2000
15:43:14: ------------------------------------------
15:43:14: SharedTexCapture hooked
15:43:15: Audio timestamp for device 'Microphone (Logitech G930 Headset)' was behind target timestamp by 1727597223
15:44:21: FlushBufferedVideo: Flushing 3 packets over 66 ms
15:44:21: Total frames encoded: 1991, total frames duplicated: 1 (0.05%)
15:44:21: Total frames rendered: 2013, number of late frames: 0 (0.00%) (it's okay for some frames to be late)
15:44:21: Profiler time results:
15:44:21: ==============================================================
15:44:21: video thread frame - [100%] [avg time: 0.987 ms] [children: 30%] [unaccounted: 70%]
15:44:21: | scene->Preprocess - [0.304%] [avg time: 0.003 ms]
15:44:21: | GPU download and conversion - [29.7%] [avg time: 0.293 ms] [children: 27.8%] [unaccounted: 1.93%]
15:44:21: | | flush - [25.9%] [avg time: 0.256 ms]
15:44:21: | | CopyResource - [1.32%] [avg time: 0.013 ms]
15:44:21: | | conversion to 4:2:0 - [0.507%] [avg time: 0.005 ms]
15:44:21: Convert444Threads - [100%] [avg time: 1.673 ms] [children: 99.5%] [unaccounted: 0.478%]
15:44:21: | Convert444toNV12 - [99.5%] [avg time: 1.665 ms]
15:44:21: encoder thread frame - [100%] [avg time: 3.129 ms] [children: 1.98%] [unaccounted: 98%]
15:44:21: | sending stuff out - [1.98%] [avg time: 0.062 ms]
15:44:21: ==============================================================
15:44:21: Profiler CPU results:
15:44:21: ==============================================================
15:44:21: video thread frame - [cpu time: avg 0.333 ms, total 671.875 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
15:44:21: | scene->Preprocess - [cpu time: avg 0 ms, total 0 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
15:44:21: | GPU download and conversion - [cpu time: avg 0.015 ms, total 31.25 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
15:44:21: | | flush - [cpu time: avg 0.015 ms, total 31.25 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
15:44:21: | | CopyResource - [cpu time: avg 0 ms, total 0 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
15:44:21: | | conversion to 4:2:0 - [cpu time: avg 0 ms, total 0 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
15:44:21: Convert444Threads - [cpu time: avg 1.653 ms, total 6578.13 ms] [avg calls per frame: 2]
15:44:21: | Convert444toNV12 - [cpu time: avg 1.637 ms, total 6515.63 ms] [avg calls per frame: 2]
15:44:21: encoder thread frame - [cpu time: avg 2.813 ms, total 5593.75 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
15:44:21: | sending stuff out - [cpu time: avg 0.062 ms, total 125 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
15:44:21: ==============================================================
15:44:21: =====Stream End: 2016-06-20, 15:44:21=================================================
15:44:50: =====Stream Start: 2016-06-20, 15:44:50===============================================
15:44:50:   Multithreaded optimizations: On
15:44:50:   Base resolution: 1920x1080
15:44:50:   Output resolution: 1920x1080
15:44:50: ------------------------------------------
15:44:50: Loading up D3D10 on AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series (Adapter 1)...
15:44:50: ------------------------------------------
15:44:50: Audio Format: 48000 Hz
15:44:50: ------------------------------------------
15:44:50: Audio Channels: 2 Ch
15:44:50: Playback device {}.{bb9e8173-d15c-4ef4-836b-26de5682aabe}
15:44:50: ------------------------------------------
15:44:50: Using desktop audio input: Headset (Logitech G930 Headset)
15:44:50: Global Audio time adjust: 0
15:44:50: ------------------------------------------
15:44:50: Using auxilary audio input: Microphone (Logitech G930 Headset)
15:44:50: Mic time offset: 0
15:44:50: ------------------------------------------
15:44:50: Audio Encoding: AAC
15:44:50:     bitrate: 128
15:44:50: Using graphics capture
15:44:50: Trying to hook process: Warframe.exe
15:44:50: Scene buffering time set to 700
15:44:50: ------------------------------------------
15:44:50: Video Encoding: x264
15:44:50:     fps: 30
15:44:50:     width: 1920, height: 1080
15:44:50:     preset: ultrafast
15:44:50:     profile: high
15:44:50:     keyint: 250
15:44:50:     CBR: yes
15:44:50:     CFR: yes
15:44:50:     max bitrate: 2000
15:44:50:     buffer size: 2000
15:44:50: ------------------------------------------
15:44:50: SharedTexCapture hooked
15:54:02: FlushBufferedVideo: Flushing 14813 packets over 493734 ms
15:54:32: WARNING: Forcibly terminating a thread after 30001 ms timeout!


New Member
OK audio didn't crash this time. Still makes popping noises though. It was a bit laggy at first, but ok with it set to those settings but not the fastest (superfast was OK). Quality drops quite a bit, but that's all I can do with this CPU. Tried the priority at above normal, but it just straight up wont record right.

You can close this now, I guess.