Question / Help Recording lagging and occasionally freezing. Please Help


New Member
So I've been trying to record some gameplay on various games, but when I watch the recording back, it lags and freezes, although I have no lag or problems ingame other than a small fps drop (which is to be expected). These are the main setting I am using:

Encoder: x264
Use CBR: No
Quality Balance: 10
Max bitrate: 1000
Buffer Size: 0
Resolution: 1920x1080
FPS: 60 (Though it still lags and freezes on 30 and lower)
crf=20 (I've also tried using lower numbers but to no avail)

PC Specs:
Windows 10
CPU: Intel Core i5-2320 @ 3GHz
GPU: Gigabyte GeForce GTX960 4GB



Active Member
Try using the ultrafast Preset.

a lower CRF uses more cpu since the set Quality goal increases.

Since your CPU is quite weak I would recommend, as mentioned above, using ultrafast Preset and getting rid of the CRF Command or setting CRF to 22 which is the same as Quality 10.

Since you have a GTX 960 i would highly suggest using NVENC this will almost certainly provide the best Performance in your Case.