New Member
I have 2 monitors so it is easy to check on OBS while recording. However it is difficult to tell whether or not OBS Studio is recording or not! In classic OBS it was easy to know when you were recording because once you started recording, the preview would show. In OBS Studio the preview is always showing. The only indicators you are recording is that the time recording will start going up and the "Start Recording" button changes to "Stop Recording". They are easy to miss. It would be very nice the have the option "Do not show preview until streaming/recording" that way you know when the recording has started (Like how it is in OBS Classic). Even better would be a recording indicator within OBS Studio. A simple indicator like a breathing red dot at the corner of the preview would be awesome! This way you still have the preview functionality before recording. Couldn't the red dot be added with a plug-in too?