Question / Help Recording Freezes afer a few seconds


New Member
Okay... A few days ago I was able to record decent quality video with no major lags or quality issues.
Today I tried and nothing worked, OBS preview was stuck on one frame, the video time in OBS was stuck on 5 seconds, video file was only 3 seconds (and I recorded for at least a minute :I ) and when I watched the video ( I don't know if this helps at all but I still included it) it was just few frames lasting for longer than it should have and then ended...
I didn't do anything that should cause this, and I even tried to lower my settings after I noticed the problem (log w/ lowered settings) and it still didn't work...
Could anyone help with this situation?



New Member
I have a video from 4 days ago where it worked perfectly swith the same game and higher settings...
So basically my computer's processing power went down massively in just 4 days?
I don't believe it...


New Member
Well, never tried with those exact ones, but I could record with 1.5x downscale and 1250 kb/s bitrate (that log showed 2x dowscale and 1000 kb/s) and it has worked fine... All gameplay videos on my Youtube channel have been recorded with that system...
Though I noticed today my computers CPU usage was at 90% even without any programs except taskmanager and some background applications...
I guess it's time to buy a new computer :I


Active Member
Check your CPU cooling. And that you don't have a virus or something hogging up the CPU. And get rid of those background applications, at the very least as just a test.

That said, you do still need a new system to game and stream with OBS at the same time.