RecORDER 1.6


padii submitted a new resource:

OBS-RecORDER - NVIDIA ShadowPlay organizing skills, but in OBS?!

Script was tested only on Windows 11

What does this script does?​

To put it simply, it tries to be the NVIDIA Shadow Play and organize your recordings.

Once you configure it you don't have to worry about anything else, because from now on your recordings as well as replays will be sorted for you.

Tested only on 3.11.4, but it might work on earlier minor versions, though you can try it at your own risk!

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New Member
I would just like to throw you a little supportive message because this is my favorite clip organizer for OBS. I recently switched from Nvidia Shadowplay and this has made that transition as smooth as possible for me. Fixing the recent crashing error has only made this plugin better, but even with its faults this is still the best in my opinion. Great work on this!


New Member
Thought of a feature request by the way. Would it at all be possible to allow screenshots taken with OBS to also be organized into folders as well. Maybe similar to how the replays folder is created for each window.

I use "screenshot selected source" and these files are added to the main OBS video directory and organizing them manually is a slight inconvenience. Could be something to consider. Again I appreciate the work you've done with this plugin and don't want to come across like I'm demanding features because I know this is just a passion project.


padii updated RecORDER with a new update entry:

Automatic File splitting unsupported (for now)

Hello everyone, I have recently uncovered the issue, where the automatic file splitting is no longer getting organized, which after troubleshooting has led me to believe that in the newer versions of the OBS there was a change/removal of the specific signal that my script utilized to support this feature.

For now, the automatic file splitting is unsupported until I find out if the signal is still available.

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padii updated RecORDER with a new update entry:

1.3.2 - Let's split up gang!

Howdy everyone!
If you wondered why does the script not work after changing the output settings, blame my lack of knowledge!
Apparently, if you change settings of the output (change format or other thing in the OUTPUT tab of settings), it will re-create the output itself and make the script useless until you reload the script/OBS.

My bad!

Anyway, this version fixes this issue, so be sure to use it!

Have fun recording!

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New Member
Recent update from 1.3.1 to 1.3.3 broke for some reason. I set it up the exact same way I had it before when it was working and it's not working anymore. Even tried going back to 1.3.1 and can't get that version working either.

I set my capture source, set the recordings folder, and the recording extension.

[] ------------------------------
[] Recording has started...
[] Reloading the signals!
[] Signals reloaded!
[] Reseting the recording related values...
[] Recording started: True
[] CurrentRecording is None
[] Game title set to Manual Recording
[] ------------------------------
[] ------------------------------
[] Refreshing sourceUUID...
[] Recording has stopped, moving the last file into right folder...
[] Running get_hooked procedure to get current app title...
[] Checking if source is hooked to any window...
[] Call data was empty, using default name for uncaptured windows...
[] Traceback (most recent call last):
[] File "C:/Program Files/obs-studio/data/obs-plugins/frontend-tools/scripts\", line 110, in recording_stop_handler
[] currentRecording = find_latest_file(outputDir, recordingExtensionMask)
[] File "C:/Program Files/obs-studio/data/obs-plugins/frontend-tools/scripts\", line 257, in find_latest_file
[] with open(textFile, "w") as f:
[] PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'C:/Program Files/obs-studio/data/obs-plugins/frontend-tools/scripts/latest_file.txt'

This is what my log looks like. The source I set to capture was loaded in my scene, though it wasn't capturing anything. I was just testing capturing my desktop which is the source below the one I set RecORDER to capture.


New Member
UPDATE: Fixed the issue by granting full control of the OBS scripts folder. Then got an issue with the file failing to encode a unicode character I used in my file formatting. Ended up being because I used ꞉ in my file names. Unfortunately can't use this anymore, but at least RecORDER works now.

Is there any hope for unicode character support like this in the future? OBS supported this character with no issues and it was nice because it looks exactly like a : which I used for marking the time each recording was made "05꞉02꞉00 PM" for example.



UPDATE: Fixed the issue by granting full control of the OBS scripts folder. Then got an issue with the file failing to encode a unicode character I used in my file formatting. Ended up being because I used ꞉ in my file names. Unfortunately can't use this anymore, but at least RecORDER works now.

Is there any hope for unicode character support like this in the future? OBS supported this character with no issues and it was nice because it looks exactly like a : which I used for marking the time each recording was made "05꞉02꞉00 PM" for example.
Good to hear you found the issue - normally you should run OBS as an administrator (to avoid issues with the process permissions and such), so I just coded it this way and assumed most people would run it this way, my bad.
About this unicode character - sadly is not supported even in normal windows files (see below), so I cannot really counteract it, although I agree it looks better than YY-MM-DD or any other format, but I can only assume it has a special meaning inside of Windows or any OS at this point.
Not supported.png

Also, worth noting and it's kind of my own fault - I experimented a lot with the script between the versions, so it caused some discrepancies and bugs, but right now I'm working on releasing a script version that should work, I should be done soon, because the tests are looking good.
Last edited:


Thought of a feature request by the way. Would it at all be possible to allow screenshots taken with OBS to also be organized into folders as well. Maybe similar to how the replays folder is created for each window.

I use "screenshot selected source" and these files are added to the main OBS video directory and organizing them manually is a slight inconvenience. Could be something to consider. Again I appreciate the work you've done with this plugin and don't want to come across like I'm demanding features because I know this is just a passion project.
Hello, if you want to propose some kind of feature, please do so on the GitHub project, because I am often not notified about any messages on this forum, so it's the best way to get my attention.

I myself do not do any screenshots using OBS, but I will take a look if it's feasible, so let me get back to you after some research in my free time.


Veless updated RecORDER with a new update entry:

1.4.1 - Source selected and FIXated

Hello all,

Yet another episode of me trying to fight the system.
I have made a QoL for you - You can no longer see sources that are not in the scene you have currently selected!

Other than that I once again tried to fight the filesystem and how OBS quickly let goes of the previous file, which was automatically cut.

I cannot tell how good it will work, but if it will not, I will probably abandon the whole automatic slicing sorting feature until I figure out how to do it right.


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Veless updated RecORDER with a new update entry:

1.4.2 - MemLeaks-b-gone!

Hello everyone!

It is I - an author of this script!
I have made my baby better, after the amount of ungodly tests and experiments I did on it.

I do not support testing/experimenting on children

Now, you should be able to use it without worries about your OBS crashing or having other possible issues that could surface from that.
Thank you for using it and joining me in my journey of coding!

Do let me know if you find any issues or would like some feature that you think...

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Veless updated RecORDER with a new update entry:

1.5 - Async shmasync, who cares?!

Hello all!

Here's yet another update to my little script, that becomes better with each update! (I hope)
In this update you should have no longer issues with file movement, since I made it asynchronous, which to put in simple terms - does it's own thing and doesn't stop/slow down the OBS!

You can also see that in the Github's What's Changed part of the update there are pulls for other features that were actually hotfixes for the version 1.4.3, which if...

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