Question / Help Recorded clip is not crisp / clear

James Lee

New Member
Hello, i'm new to the forum i just started with the program and its really great.

There isn't anything wrong with the setting i'm using, only that the finished video is not crisp or seems shady and does not match the actual colors on the screen.

Here is an example. I recorded myself playing WoW and uploaded on youtube. You will see how the color is not vivid.

If anyone can help me to solve the problem, please let me know will be much appreciated and thank.

James Lee

New Member
ingame screenshot

ingame screenshot.jpg


New Member
Sorry for digging this up, but I was wondering if using the yuv444p (use444=1) setting would allow me to capture the real colorspace more accurately or will this information be lost in the YouTube encoding process no matter what?


New Member
Alright I dug around some more and even though this doesn't directly pertain to OBS it's noteworthy nonetheless since it will affect a few people here.

So I was wondering why I was getting really washed out colors (almost like an overlayed grey filter) on my YouTube uploads of OBS recordings, but when I checked the file locally with Media Player Classic - Home Cinema it looked just like the game when playing.


After playing around with different encoding formats and color space conversions and uploading these clips to YouTube I was not getting anywhere. Then I played my OBS recording locally in VLC and voila it looked just like the YouTube upload. So I googled a little bit and it turns out that it's related to Nvidia cards not using Full dynamic range by default when connected via HDMI. There is also a registry fix that you can apply so it will work in any circumstance.

TLDR: Washed out colors are not due to a bad OBS setting or YouTube encoding, but rather a wrong Nvidia default setting.

Hope this helps some of you