Record timecode into the saved files


New Member
It would be really nice to record timecode into the video files saved by OBS to make syncing later on in an external editor, much simpler. For example, if you have an overlapped replay buffer with a recording, it's tricky to find the sync edit (especially without sound!). If each file had timecode, rather than relying on the file write date/time, the files would automatically sync in editing software.

If this feature was added, it would nice to not only be able to set the time of day or manual free running timecode, but sync to either an LTC audio or external timecode.


New Member
Each OS may have common sources of timecode... on Linux, Jack Transport is one. If using Jack input client for audio, perhaps timecode could also be pulled in. For video sources like a camera, perhaps LTC can be fed to the audio input. This would require OBS to decode the LTC from the audio portion of a capture card. Then audio or video would have to be buffered to get them in sync, and send to preview projector, program projector, record, and stream outputs. Sounds like a fun project!