Recommendations for AWS EC2 Windows or Mac for cloud OBS


Hi All,

We are looking to feed 15-24 4-5 Mbps RTMP or SRT streams into our OBS scene, and stream out the scene at 10-15Mbps RTMP or SRT. So we are looking at using an EC2 with lots of bandwidth as a headless server for OBS. Does anyone have recommendations about how to set up this configuration? I've heard that Windows Server 2016 or 2019 have issues when setting them up for OBS as headless. I assume we would benefit from having NVIDIA GPU acceleration, is that true?

Also, can OBS stream more than one stream outbound, in parallel?

Thank you!


Active Member
OBS use on a VPS is not officially supported. A hardware GPU with the DX12 instruction set is a minimum requirement. It *may* work, but chances are very good that it will experience significant problems. Additionally, RDP access WILL cause significant problems due to the virtual video driver Windows uses for RDP connections (even in console mode). VNC may work, but will need to be secured.

OBS does not have official support for multiple outputs, though some have repurposed the Recording tab with ffmpeg to janky-hack a second stream. It's much better to run a local NGINX-RTMP instance and use that for replicating the stream out to multiple endpoints if the system has the bandwidth to do so.

OBS isn't meant to be used headless or as a distro tool itself. It's meant to be a local content creation and compositor.
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New Member
OBS does not have official support for multiple outputs, though some have repurposed the Recording tab with ffmpeg to janky-hack a second stream. It's much better to run a local NGINX-RTMP instance and use that for replicating the stream out to multiple endpoints if the system has the bandwidth to do so.

Hi, do you know where i can find any guide to setup an instance like that?
Can i manage it via Microsoft Hyper-V?
Thank you in advance.