My current setting
15:52:10: Settings::Video: Disabling Aero
16:12:36: Open Broadcaster Software v0.554b - 64bit ( ^ω^)
16:12:36: -------------------------------
16:12:36: CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 950 @ 3.07GHz
16:12:36: CPU Speed: 3073MHz
16:12:36: Physical Memory: 24567MB Total, 19761MB Free
16:12:36: stepping id: 5, model 10, family 6, type 0, extmodel 0, extfamily 0, HTT 1, logical cores 8, total cores 4
16:12:36: monitor 1: pos={0, 0}, size={1920, 1200}
16:12:36: Windows Version: 6.1 Build 7601 S
16:12:36: Aero is Disabled
16:12:36: -------------------------------
16:12:36: OBS Modules:
16:12:36: Base Address Module
16:12:36: 000000003F450000 OBS.exe
16:12:36: 00000000E4CD0000 OBSApi.dll
16:12:36: 00000000F7DC0000 DShowPlugin.dll
16:12:36: 00000000F7D90000 GraphicsCapture.dll
16:12:36: 00000000F7D70000 NoiseGate.dll
16:12:36: 00000000F7D50000 PSVPlugin.dll
16:12:36: ------------------------------------------
16:12:36: Adapter 1
16:12:36: Video Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580
16:12:36: Video Adapter Dedicated Video Memory: 1560739840
16:12:36: Video Adapter Shared System Memory: 2683908096
16:12:36: =====Stream Start: 2013-09-16, 16:12:36===============================================
16:12:36: Multithreaded optimizations: On
16:12:36: Base resolution: 1920x1200
16:12:36: Output resolution: 1920x1200
16:12:36: ------------------------------------------
16:12:36: Loading up D3D10 on NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580...
16:12:37: C:/Users/Achaea/AppData/Roaming/OBS/shaderCache/shaders/DrawTexture.pShader.blob
16:12:37: C:/Users/Achaea/AppData/Roaming/OBS/shaderCache/shaders/DrawSolid.pShader.blob
16:12:37: C:/Users/Achaea/AppData/Roaming/OBS/shaderCache/shaders/DrawYUVTexture.pShader.blob
16:12:37: Playback device Default
16:12:37: ------------------------------------------
16:12:37: Using desktop audio input: Speakers (Audinst HUD-mini)
16:12:37: ------------------------------------------
16:12:37: Using auxilary audio input: Microphone (High Definition Audio Device)
16:12:37: ------------------------------------------
16:12:37: Audio Encoding: MP3
16:12:37: bitrate: 128
16:12:37: Using graphics capture
16:12:37: C:/Users/Achaea/AppData/Roaming/OBS/shaderCache/shaders/DrawTexture_ColorAdjust.pShader.blob
16:12:38: ------------------------------------------
16:12:38: Video Encoding: x264
16:12:38: fps: 30
16:12:38: width: 1920, height: 1200
16:12:38: preset: veryfast
16:12:38: CBR: yes
16:12:38: CFR: no
16:12:38: max bitrate: 1700
16:12:38: buffer size: 1700
16:12:38: ------------------------------------------
16:12:38: MMDeviceAudioSource: Frequency for device 'Speakers (Audinst HUD-mini)' is 768000, samples per sec is 96000
16:12:38: MMDeviceAudioSource: Frequency for device 'Microphone (High Definition Audio Device)' is 352800, samples per sec is 44100
16:12:38: SharedTexCapture hooked
16:12:42: Total frames rendered: 117, number of late frames: 0 (0.00%) (it's okay for some frames to be late)
16:12:42: Profiler results:
16:12:42: ==============================================================
16:12:42: frame - [100%] [avg time: 3.291 ms (cpu time: avg 2.933 ms, total 343.202 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 1] [children: 99.9%] [unaccounted: 0.0912%]
16:12:42: | frame preprocessing and rendering - [20.7%] [avg time: 0.682 ms (cpu time: avg 0.533 ms, total 62.4 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 1] [children: 0%] [unaccounted: 20.7%]
16:12:42: | | scene->Preprocess - [0%] [avg time: 0 ms (cpu time: avg 0 ms, total 0 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 1]
16:12:42: | video encoding and uploading - [79.2%] [avg time: 2.606 ms (cpu time: avg 2.4 ms, total 280.802 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 1] [children: 75.3%] [unaccounted: 3.86%]
16:12:42: | | flush - [5.26%] [avg time: 0.173 ms (cpu time: avg 0 ms, total 0 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 1]
16:12:42: | | CopyResource - [0.304%] [avg time: 0.01 ms (cpu time: avg 0 ms, total 0 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 0]
16:12:42: | | conversion to 4:2:0 - [0.395%] [avg time: 0.013 ms (cpu time: avg 0 ms, total 0 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 0]
16:12:42: | | call to encoder - [69.4%] [avg time: 2.283 ms (cpu time: avg 2.4 ms, total 280.802 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 0]
16:12:42: | | sending stuff out - [0%] [avg time: 0 ms (cpu time: avg 0 ms, total 0 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 0]
16:12:42: | Convert444Threads - [1.77e+003%] [avg time: 58.106 ms (cpu time: avg 2.533 ms, total 296.401 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 1]
16:12:42: ==============================================================
16:12:42: =====Stream End: 2013-09-16, 16:12:42=================================================
16:12:48: =====Stream Start: 2013-09-16, 16:12:48===============================================
16:12:48: Multithreaded optimizations: On
16:12:48: Base resolution: 1920x1200
16:12:48: Output resolution: 1920x1200
16:12:48: ------------------------------------------
16:12:48: Loading up D3D10 on NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580...
16:12:48: C:/Users/Achaea/AppData/Roaming/OBS/shaderCache/shaders/DrawTexture.pShader.blob
16:12:48: C:/Users/Achaea/AppData/Roaming/OBS/shaderCache/shaders/DrawSolid.pShader.blob
16:12:48: C:/Users/Achaea/AppData/Roaming/OBS/shaderCache/shaders/DrawYUVTexture.pShader.blob
16:12:48: Playback device Default
16:12:48: ------------------------------------------
16:12:48: Using desktop audio input: Speakers (Audinst HUD-mini)
16:12:48: ------------------------------------------
16:12:48: Using auxilary audio input: Microphone (High Definition Audio Device)
16:12:48: ------------------------------------------
16:12:48: Audio Encoding: MP3
16:12:48: bitrate: 128
16:12:48: Using graphics capture
16:12:48: C:/Users/Achaea/AppData/Roaming/OBS/shaderCache/shaders/DrawTexture_ColorAdjust.pShader.blob
16:12:48: ------------------------------------------
16:12:48: Video Encoding: x264
16:12:48: fps: 30
16:12:48: width: 1920, height: 1200
16:12:48: preset: veryfast
16:12:48: CBR: yes
16:12:48: CFR: no
16:12:48: max bitrate: 1700
16:12:48: buffer size: 1700
16:12:48: ------------------------------------------
16:12:48: MMDeviceAudioSource: Frequency for device 'Speakers (Audinst HUD-mini)' is 768000, samples per sec is 96000
16:12:48: MMDeviceAudioSource: Frequency for device 'Microphone (High Definition Audio Device)' is 352800, samples per sec is 44100
16:12:48: SharedTexCapture hooked
16:12:50: Using RTMP service: Twitch /
16:12:50: Server selection:
16:12:50: Interface: Linksys LNE100TX PCI Based Fast Ethernet Adapter (ethernet, 100 mbps)
16:12:51: SO_SNDBUF was at 8192
16:12:51: SO_SNDBUF is now 65536
16:18:50: Total frames rendered: 10859, number of late frames: 2 (0.02%) (it's okay for some frames to be late)
16:18:50: RTMPPublisher::SocketLoop: Graceful loop exit
16:18:50: Number of times waited to send: 0, Waited for a total of 0 bytes
16:18:50: Number of b-frames dropped: 0 (0%), Number of p-frames dropped: 0 (0%), Total 0 (0%)
16:18:50: Profiler results:
16:18:50: ==============================================================
16:18:50: frame - [100%] [avg time: 3.347 ms (cpu time: avg 2.986 ms, total 32432.6 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 1] [children: 99.9%] [unaccounted: 0.0598%]
16:18:50: | frame preprocessing and rendering - [13.7%] [avg time: 0.46 ms (cpu time: avg 0.354 ms, total 3853.23 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 1] [children: 0.0299%] [unaccounted: 13.7%]
16:18:50: | | scene->Preprocess - [0.0299%] [avg time: 0.001 ms (cpu time: avg 0 ms, total 0 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 1]
16:18:50: | video encoding and uploading - [86.2%] [avg time: 2.885 ms (cpu time: avg 2.63 ms, total 28563.8 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 1] [children: 85.2%] [unaccounted: 0.986%]
16:18:50: | | flush - [4.84%] [avg time: 0.162 ms (cpu time: avg 0.058 ms, total 639.605 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 1]
16:18:50: | | CopyResource - [0.388%] [avg time: 0.013 ms (cpu time: avg 0.008 ms, total 93.601 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 0]
16:18:50: | | conversion to 4:2:0 - [0.448%] [avg time: 0.015 ms (cpu time: avg 0.007 ms, total 78.001 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 0]
16:18:50: | | call to encoder - [78.9%] [avg time: 2.641 ms (cpu time: avg 2.531 ms, total 27487.4 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 0]
16:18:50: | | sending stuff out - [0.627%] [avg time: 0.021 ms (cpu time: avg 0.012 ms, total 140.401 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 0]
16:18:50: | Convert444Threads - [1.99e+003%] [avg time: 66.588 ms (cpu time: avg 2.736 ms, total 29718.2 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 1]
16:18:50: ==============================================================
16:18:50: =====Stream End: 2013-09-16, 16:18:50=================================================
Last game capture log:
2013-09-16, 16:12:38: we're booting up:
16:12:38: D3D9 Present
16:12:38: D3D9EndScene called
16:12:38: BackBufferWidth: 1920
16:12:38: BackBufferHeight: 1200
16:12:38: BackBufferFormat: D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8
16:12:38: BackBufferCount: 1
16:12:38: MultiSampleType: D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE
16:12:38: MultiSampleQuality: 0
16:12:38: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD
16:12:38: hDeviceWindow: 1181086
16:12:38: Windowed: true
16:12:38: EnableAutoDepthStencil: true
16:12:38: AutoDepthStencilFormat: D3DFMT_D24S8
16:12:38: Flags: None
16:12:38: FullScreen_RefreshRateInHz: 0
16:12:38: PresentationInterval: 1
16:12:38: };
16:12:38: successfully set up d3d9 hooks
16:12:38: D3D9Present called
16:12:38: DoD3D9GPUHook: success - d3d9ex
16:12:38: D3DSURFACE_DESC {
16:12:38: Format: D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8
16:12:38: Type: D3DRTYPE_SURFACE
16:12:38: Pool: D3DPOOL_DEFAULT
16:12:38: MultiSampleType: D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE
16:12:38: MultiSampleQuality: 0
16:12:38: Width: 1920
16:12:38: Height: 1200
16:12:38: };
16:12:38: successfully capturing d3d9 frames via GPU
16:12:38: NV Capture available
16:12:38: FBO available
16:12:38: GL Present
16:12:38: (half life scientist) everything.. seems to be in order
16:12:42: ---------------------- Cleared D3D9 Capture ----------------------
16:12:42: D3D9EndScene called
16:12:42: D3D9Present called
16:12:48: received restart event, capturing
16:12:48: DoD3D9GPUHook: success - d3d9ex
16:12:48: D3DSURFACE_DESC {
16:12:48: Format: D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8
16:12:48: Type: D3DRTYPE_SURFACE
16:12:48: Pool: D3DPOOL_DEFAULT
16:12:48: MultiSampleType: D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE
16:12:48: MultiSampleQuality: 0
16:12:48: Width: 1920
16:12:48: Height: 1200
16:12:48: };
16:12:48: successfully capturing d3d9 frames via GPU
16:18:50: ---------------------- Cleared D3D9 Capture ----------------------
16:18:50: D3D9EndScene called
16:18:50: D3D9Present called