Bug Report REAPER VST 2.x Plugin Crash...& how to "Fix" it


New Member
I felt like making this thread because, for the longest time, I've been trying to use the REAPER ReaFir VST 2.x Plugin w/ OBS, but no matter what I would do, OBS would crash.

I was using it because I wanted to remove a faint hissing generated solely by my N64's audio output. I tried remedying this by applying the VST plugin directly to the capture source within OBS...and this is where the problem lies.

For whatever reason, when you attempt to apply any of the REAPER plugins, or possibly any VST plugin directly to a source within OBS, such as a GV-USB2 capture card in my case, OBS will crash, and then typically refuse to load until you uninstall the REAPER plugins.

Here's my ghetto solution for now. Because AmaREC, an external capture program tends to distort my capture card's image, I don't use it for the capture card's video. OBS handles the video feed like a champion already. But I do use it to grab my capture card's audio, and feed it through "Virtual Audio Cable". Then, I use "Audio Output Capture" within OBS, and capture the virtual audio cable from there. You CAN apply the VST FX to that without OBS crashing.

I feel like this could be fixed within OBS if VST 2.x plugin's didn't apply their FX directly to the capture feed, but instead the capture feed output it's signal in such a way where there's a layer in between, and the FX got applied to that layer (Much like how I'm doing now with Virtual Audio Cable). I hope this makes sense. It'd be nice to see these VST plugins work within OBS when applied directly to a capture card.