Question / Help Really confused. Need help!


New Member
Starting this off this is my legit first time posting on a forum (not even kidding). So recently me and some friends want to start a YouTube channel and me being the one with a "good" PC I was given the task to record and edit. So I went to OBS cause it's, well, really good (and everyone uses it). And that's where my problem starts, I set up OBS with "The best recording setting for low-end PCs" and lo and behold, the preview window drops to 6-13 FPS. What's weird is when I switch to OBS itself the preview FPS goes back to what I set it as (30 or 60 FPS) and when I click back to my game it goes back to 6-13 FPS. So I'm hoping to get some help on this! Thanks in advance! PC Specs below.

PC Specs:
Windows 10 Pro
Intel core 13-4160 3.6 GHz *2 cores 4 threads
8 GB ram (2x4 GB)
Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 2 GB VRAM
(and other basic PC parts that are not important rright now)
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