Question / Help (Re)record Last X Seconds Again


New Member

this question might be unusual because OBS is mainly developed for streaming. However, the feature I'm looking for would be very helpful for recording lecture videos.

When I create a recording I'm able to pause it, which is very helpful. But sometimes I realize while a pause that I made a small mistake a few seconds ago and would like to redo that seconds.
Of course, it would be an approach to just repeat these seconds and cut the failure out in post-processing. But actually, I'm aiming for a setup which works without post-processing.
Therefore, it would be very helpful to be able to go back in my recording while a pause and start recording at a given position. This would mean to overwrite a portion of the video (everything after the position I went back to).

I would appreciate any help with this, because I was not able to find anything comparable... typical keywords mostly lead to the replay buffer, which is of course not, what I'm looking for.



New Member
I'll 2nd that. It would be great to be able to back up a few seconds if you just misspeak and would prefer to begin again.