Question / Help RE: Embed MP3/WAV File Into Scene


New Member
NOTE: I do not need help, just posting something that may be of help to others.
I'm putting up an alternate solution for this thread in case anyone was unable to get the aforementioned solution to work.

If you're in the same boat as me, in that the plugin simply doesn't work once installed, you can simply add music/video by making an .html file on your pc and use the CLR Browser to get it going. No webserver or additional plugins needed.

Here's a super layman's-terms tutorial:

Let's say I have file seafront-sounds.mp3 that I want looping in the background.

  1. open the folder that has the music in it
  2. start a new (blank) tab in your browser
  3. drag the track onto that tab so it starts playing
  4. copy that whole URL (this is the file's "path"), should look something like this:
    • file:///C:/Users/Username/Folder/seafront-sounds.mp3
  5. open your text editor (I recommend Notepad++)
  6. make a new text file with the following:
    • <!DOCTYPE html>
      <audio src="YOUR PATH HERE" autoplay loop></audio>
  7. now save it and make sure the extension is .html (not .txt for instance)
  8. now you can drag this html file into your web browser like before to get the path, and cite the html file's path in the CLR Browser popup you see after defining a name for it in your Sources list.
Note, this html will cause the audio to loop, if you don't want it to loop, just edit the html accordingly. :) Feel free to adjust the html to use a video, too, if you're so inclined.

Hope this helps!