Question / Help Random Stream Stutter


New Member
Having some issues with my OBS streaming console games and I cant seem to figure out how to fix it. about every 10-20 seconds the video will stutter like I am dropping frames, however obs does not show any dropped frames and the stream quality color stays solid green. I went out and got an Elgato hd60 pro because I thought maybe it could be my Live Gamer HD that was giving me the issues, and it seems to be doing it on both cards. Ive tried changing the bitrate/buffers, fps, resolutions, everything. Any ideas?

Also tried obs multiplatform disabling sli, using nvidia nvenc, disabling hyperthreading, changing the cpu preset. No luck.

Could it be my pci lanes are just being too used up with sli, sound card, and trying to stream?

Attached a log file.


  • 2016-05-25-2117-57.log
    29.3 KB · Views: 7
  • 2016-05-24-1651-07.log
    12.8 KB · Views: 6
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Active Member
So your duplicated frames are a bit high:

16:56:07: Video Encoding: x264
16:56:07: fps: 60
16:56:07: width: 1280, height: 720
16:56:07: preset: veryfast
16:56:07: profile: main
16:56:07: keyint: 120
16:56:07: CBR: yes
16:56:07: CFR: yes
16:56:07: max bitrate: 3500
16:56:07: buffer size: 3500
16:56:07: ------------------------------------------
16:56:08: Using RTMP service: Twitch
16:56:08: Server selection: rtmp://
16:56:08: Interface: Intel(R) 82579V Gigabit Network Connection (ethernet, 1000 mbps)
16:56:08: Completed handshake with rtmp:// in 112 ms.
16:56:09: SO_SNDBUF was at 8192
16:56:09: SO_SNDBUF is now 65536
16:59:35: Settings::Video: Enabling Aero
16:59:37: FlushBufferedVideo: Flushing 21 packets over 333 ms
16:59:38: Total frames encoded: 12610, total frames duplicated: 235 (1.86%)
16:59:38: Total frames rendered: 12636, number of late frames: 3 (0.02%) (it's okay for some frames to be late)

Which is strange because you're on Very Fast preset, and I have an i7 2600k that can do Fast preset using a capture card without breaking a sweat. The thing I can think of is maybe your webcam is slowing it down. Try doing a five minute or longer encode of high action content without your webcam and post the log file from that.

Other things to check... is your CPU overheating and throttling itself? Are your GPU drivers up to date?

What exactly do you mean by, "every 10-20 seconds the video will stutter"? Is the stutter visible on the stream? If you record it to disk, is it visible there when you play it back? Is it visible on the TV/Monitor when you're playing? Your description was ambiguous.


New Member
What I meant was every 10-20 seconds the video on the preview window or video playback, or if I try to preview the stream on twitch it will stutter. The xbox picture on my monitor is flawless.

Cdazy thing is it happens with local recordings as well. I removed my Webcam and drivers for that but it did not seem to chsnge anything.

Cpu doesn't get over 50ish degrees C. I've tried setting the cpu at a constant ghz but that also doesn't seem to fix the issue. I'm pretty stumped to be honest! Especially with it happening on local recordings too.


Active Member
Maybe its a problem with your HDMI/DVI splitter? Can you try hooking up your splitter to another TV or monitor and verify the image is flawless on both outputs? Or are you doing it in another way with no splitter?


Active Member
Ok, but have you used the splitter, sending its output to two places that you can see (monitor/tv, not a capture card), and made sure there's no visual defects then?


New Member
I have tried taking the capture card out of the equation. Gameplay is still smooth and looks good.

Could it be something with new Nvidia drivers causing an issue for me?

When I get home Ill post a few twitch replays that show the issue a little better than what I may be trying to explain.


Active Member
There was an issue with NVEnc in a recent driver, but I don't think it affected x264. It can't hurt to try a different driver, I always keep a copy of the last previously-good Nvidia driver I used in case I experience problems after updating.


New Member

Here is kind of a good example of what is going on. I may try rolling back a driver version or two to see if that solves anything. Also tried this which didnt help but cleaned up 10gb of hdd space! :)

Here is the log file of the last twitch video I uploaded.
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New Member
So weird. Going back to try to find it I notice that the stutter does not really happen other than if the browswer window is full screen. And even then its not as noticable as it was. If I go into windowed mode I cant see any stutter really. Maybe a hiccup here and there from just the usual taxing on the system, but not bad!

Odd how I saw it in local recordings though... Idk to be honest. This one had me stumped for a really long time.

Maybe its just a browser full screen bug type thing? idk.