Bug Report Random Game Snapshot in Corner or Black Box In Corner?


New Member
I have streamed alot recently and every game that I window capture, there is always a black of in the bottom right corner or a snapshot box in the corner of where I was in that moment of the game. If I click onto a different window the box goes away for about 2 seconds, then just reappears with a snapshot of where I was that moment. Heres some pictures to help you understand what I am saying here. (http://imgur.com/YfRX7Zl , http://imgur.com/qqcenAD .) It really makes people annoyed and makes them want to leave the channel so it is a big problem right now for me. Any help with this will be extremely appreciated, because alot of people including myself hate it.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Hm, does this only happen with this particular game? This is definitely really strange, not sure if I have an answer at the moment, I don't think I've ever seen this happen before.
Perhaps you have an other source that is causing this issue that overlays your game?

The only way that i know of to make screencapture behave partially like that is if i try to capture a youtube/webpage with subregion.
If i minimise that webpage, the source on obs also hangs untill i open up that webpage again.

cheers green.