I am looking to use a Raspberry Pi 3 with this, I was wondering if I could have multiple bots for multiple channels? I am looking to run it in 3 channels: KilokahnTV, SasiahTV and 1UpOnCancer
Secondly, considering adding Beam support?
You can run multiple instances of the bot for multiple channels on the same computer. I am not sure if the raspberry pi's memory can handle running 3 instances of the bot, but it does run on the pi. Also you must run a seperate instance for each bot, they cannot share the same files. In order to run 3 seperate instances, make 3 copies of the bot folder, Set each one up one at a time (only have one running at a time). After all 3 are configured, open botlogin.txt in each folder, and change baseport= to something other than 25300, this way each bot isnt trying to access the same port. So you could use something like 25300, 25400, 25500