QuorraBot - Free cross-platform Multi-Purpose Twitch.tv chat Bot

Free QuorraBot - Free cross-platform Multi-Purpose Twitch.tv chat Bot 1.14

I am looking to use a Raspberry Pi 3 with this, I was wondering if I could have multiple bots for multiple channels? I am looking to run it in 3 channels: KilokahnTV, SasiahTV and 1UpOnCancer

Secondly, considering adding Beam support?


You can run multiple instances of the bot for multiple channels on the same computer. I am not sure if the raspberry pi's memory can handle running 3 instances of the bot, but it does run on the pi. Also you must run a seperate instance for each bot, they cannot share the same files. In order to run 3 seperate instances, make 3 copies of the bot folder, Set each one up one at a time (only have one running at a time). After all 3 are configured, open botlogin.txt in each folder, and change baseport= to something other than 25300, this way each bot isnt trying to access the same port. So you could use something like 25300, 25400, 25500


I'll just leave my 2 cents here.

I don't want to have to visit the website to check the changelog... If I were to read something here that caught my attention I would probably go to the website and read the forums, but I like to just come here and see what's new, or if something was update that may make me want to use the bot.

I'll just leave my 2 cents here.

I don't want to have to visit the website to check the changelog... If I were to read something here that caught my attention I would probably go to the website and read the forums, but I like to just come here and see what's new, or if something was update that may make me want to use the bot.


I prefer to keep changelogs available to verified users. The bots main features are already listed in the description. It is free to get a verified account. The bot is here for those who wish to try it. It is not being forced on anyone, nor am I aiming to compete or rival other tools on here. I just code it and whoever wants to use it can use it.
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Are u able to make a feature like ankhbot with sound effects where u can spend points to play a soundeffect in the stream?


What distro would you currently recommend for running this on raspberry pi 3?
I read over some chats on arch linux arm where the discussion/development is on moving forward to 64bit kernel but it's not there quite yet. I'm asking out of concern that i could upgrade the kernel, thus choosing a distro for first install could be paramount.
What distro would you currently recommend for running this on raspberry pi 3?
I read over some chats on arch linux arm where the discussion/development is on moving forward to 64bit kernel but it's not there quite yet. I'm asking out of concern that i could upgrade the kernel, thus choosing a distro for first install could be paramount.
I actually have a pi 3 but havent gotten around to testing it yet, it runs fine on both arch and raspian for the pi 2, ill see if i can get back to you on the pi 3, i usually run arch for my linux distros but anything debian based usually works as well
GloriousEggroll updated QuorraBot - Free cross-platform Multi-Purpose Twitch.tv chat Bot with a new update entry:

QuorraBot 1.13 Now available to all verified users

This update is a mandatory update regarding recent changes made to twitch's API. There are some minor important updates as well. The bot is free to use and free to apply for. Updates and changelogs are available to all verified users on our website: http://www.quorrabot.com

Read the rest of this update entry...


New Member
hey GloriousEggroll
I like to try out the Bot, but didnt get verifed since monday
i really really wants an new bot, give me a chance to use your bot in my streams plz ;)