Question / Help quicksync doco and colormatrix


i'm pretty good with x264 and the advanced settings. but i can't find any thing about qsv.

there is an option in obs to alter the qsv settings but i'm pretty sure the syntax is not the same like x264 and settings like crf are not allowed in qsv.

qsv got in handbrake presets from good speed - good quality how do i set them in obs and are there more advanced settings like in x264 like ref/bframes/chroma-qp-offset ?

which colormatrix is used when obs is converting rgb to ycbcr 4:2:0 ? on a sort test it looks like bt709 does obs use different matrix based on the resolution ?


erm, i dont think u can do anything to configure qsv. Its hardware encoder with fixed quality preset (afaik, could be wrong)


Community Helper
You can only configure bframes and keyint. If you mouse over the check box it will also tell you that. Not sure about your color matrix question though.


thx still the presets missing. i hope it simply uses "best".

at a first try with 30 fps every 6th frame was a repeat so it's 25 fps and looks horrible.


QSV's preset is comparable to veryfast preset. Only thing u can do to make it look better is to increase bitrate