Alright so I have been streaming for the past 4 years on and off and have tried and experimented a good amount in my time. Figured it was time to try out the quicksync option now that I have a CPU that has the option available and I want to game in 1440p. Being that there are no capture cards that do 1440p60fps for less than ~$400 I figured this is my best option.
So my questions:
Should I even bother with a two PC setup when using quicksync? Any advantage? The claim that I have read is that quicksync offers a lossless performance and I have trouble believing that.
While using quicksync, can I still use shadowplay and the such?
Which are the best guides to follow on using quicksync? I've found a few but figured it would be good to be as informed as possible.
Can the INOGENI 4K2USB3 ( ) capture card actually capture 1440p at 60fps? I couldn't find a clear answer. The only card I've found that can actually do 1440p60fps capture is the Blackmagic Design DeckLink 4K Extreme 12G Which that card is stupidly expensive. I know this isn't a quicksync question but I was curious none-the-less.
My end goal here is that I want to game in 1440p @ 144hz with shadowplay capturing and stream with as little as performance hit on my main PC in 720p60fps with maybe in the future moving to 1080p60fps if twitch(or my internet) allows it.
Thanks in advance for reading!
So my questions:
Should I even bother with a two PC setup when using quicksync? Any advantage? The claim that I have read is that quicksync offers a lossless performance and I have trouble believing that.
While using quicksync, can I still use shadowplay and the such?
Which are the best guides to follow on using quicksync? I've found a few but figured it would be good to be as informed as possible.
Can the INOGENI 4K2USB3 ( ) capture card actually capture 1440p at 60fps? I couldn't find a clear answer. The only card I've found that can actually do 1440p60fps capture is the Blackmagic Design DeckLink 4K Extreme 12G Which that card is stupidly expensive. I know this isn't a quicksync question but I was curious none-the-less.
My end goal here is that I want to game in 1440p @ 144hz with shadowplay capturing and stream with as little as performance hit on my main PC in 720p60fps with maybe in the future moving to 1080p60fps if twitch(or my internet) allows it.
Thanks in advance for reading!