Quick text / score board options (SSBM console streaming)


New Member
Hello, I’ve been using OBS for a few weeks now and to me, it’s the best recording program by far! VirtualDub and DScaler that I used before weren’t even able to deinterlace and encode a 480i60 video stream in real time without frame drops (i3 2120), and OBS does it with very little processor load.

The only thing that’s bugging me is the need for external score boards. OBS has really beautiful text options and I really wish they were more accessible – always scrolling down to the score text, double clicking it and exchanging the 0 for a 1 takes too long when I also have to run the tournament, play my own games etc.
Also, I can hardly delegate the stream task to other players because it’s just too cluttered to be used intuitively.

So, here is my idea / suggestion how it could be improved:

All text sources are automatically recognized and color and editor are integrated. In the text settings of each field, there is the option to activate auto-complete.
Also really nice would be to have group sources so that by selecting the group, I can toggle all the subsources.
Having global colors that work similar would also be nice. In the example above, having a global color that I could change to green, making all of the blue text change to green, would be very helpful.
I’m also willing to program these on my own, unfortunately I’m still a noob so I’d need a few hints where in the source new elements can be added and what programming languages I need to know.


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Re: Quick text / score board options (SSBM console streaming

I'll see what can be done about making text source more easily accessible for the rewrite -- I think adding options to the main window isn't a good idea, but I'll make it so it's much easier to work with at least


New Member
Re: Quick text / score board options (SSBM console streaming

Thanks! Having these options out in one separate window would be even better, yeah.