Quick Stretch/Skew to 4x3 or 16x9


First of all, thanks much to all the devs of OSB, I love this software. I record a lot of hacker/security conferences and plan to switch to OSB for it. Check out this video:
and the videos I use to do with AVISynth in post:

One feature I'd like is to be able to right click on a video source and make it automatically Stretch/Skew it to 16x9 or 4x3. I can sort of do this by hand now, but it is hard to tell when I have I exact. Some capture/video inputs do not put out truly square pixels, so this would be a great feature for me, and for someone that knows their way around the code (aka: not me) I'm guessing this would be pretty easy. Thanks again for the open source awesomeness.


Well, a one-click option to adjust a source to a different aspect ratio wouldn't hurt. And shouldn't be too hard to implement indeed.


irongeek said:
First of all, thanks much to all the devs of OSB, I love this software. I record a lot of hacker/security conferences and plan to switch to OSB for it. Check out this video:
and the videos I use to do with AVISynth in post:

One feature I'd like is to be able to right click on a video source and make it automatically Stretch/Skew it to 16x9 or 4x3. I can sort of do this by hand now, but it is hard to tell when I have I exact. Some capture/video inputs do not put out truly square pixels, so this would be a great feature for me, and for someone that knows their way around the code (aka: not me) I'm guessing this would be pretty easy. Thanks again for the open source awesomeness.

It's not easy, all raw video sources (in obs) are expected to have the correct aspect ratio, plain and simple. It's up to you to configure it properly (out of obs scope) (ofc, I'm not excluding obs out of it as the cause, tho it's highly improbable ) , but sure, force a custom aspect ratio might help


Thanks, not looking for it to detect. Just an option to right click and make it size to 4x3. Right now what I've done is put a 4x3 image in the background, then make sure I resize the video to fit exactly on top, but it's kind of a crude way to do it.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Although I hate it when things are skewed, I will consider it in the future -- I'd like to wait until after the refactor if possible, just because the refactor will make all these sort of little things so much easier.


Forum Moderator
I think what you want here, rather than a stretch to 4:3 feature, is an aspect ratio override. Having the option to override either the display aspect ratio (shape of the rectangle) or the pixel aspect ratio (shape of the pixels) will then allow you to freely scale the source, while preserving its intended aspect ratio. Pixel aspect ratio specifically would be very useful when you have to do heavy cropping on an anamorphic source (think Wii via composite video for instance) so you don't have to calculate the exact DAR for the cropped video manually.


Muf, yes. I've got some video that because of converters comes in at 1280x720, but the input was originally 1024x768. Since the aspect ration changes, everyone looks fat. I can adjust it by hand, but it would be nice to have a right-click and snap to 4x3 option (and the reverse as well). Thanks.


New Member
Muf said:
I think what you want here, rather than a stretch to 4:3 feature, is an aspect ratio override. Having the option to override either the display aspect ratio (shape of the rectangle) or the pixel aspect ratio (shape of the pixels) will then allow you to freely scale the source, while preserving its intended aspect ratio. Pixel aspect ratio specifically would be very useful when you have to do heavy cropping on an anamorphic source (think Wii via composite video for instance) so you don't have to calculate the exact DAR for the cropped video manually.

Curiously, is there any plan to add this feature? Most capture cards that are standard definition have the ability to capture either 16:9 or 4:3, but they do what regular DV video does and leave the resolutions at 720x480, which means the PAR has to be set by editing software (or in this case, the streaming software..)