Question / Help Questions on 4K60 Streaming on single computer


New Member
Hi all,

I am attempting to stream 4K60 to youtube on a single PC.

I have a I9-7900x 10 core processor, 2GB m.2 SSD, GTX 1080 TI MSI Gaming X OC, 64GB RAM.

Also, for the streaming, I have a 1GB down / 40 MBPS up internet connection.

When I run a game like The Witcher 3, for example, I can get about 55FPS in the game at 4K with only landscapes set to high instead of ultra. Additionally, I set the H.264 PC encoding at Superfast.

I am getting a good reliable signal. However, it's just a LITTLE pixelated, and obviously the load on the computer is very heavy. In a 5-10 minute game session, I might get 1-2 little hitches in gameplay - very small.

I really don't want to get a second computer unless I absolutely have to.

Anybody have any suggestions for getting better results?

Would a 14/16/18 core do it?

Is there something about utilizing 10 cores I don't know or need to do? Is there a setting thing that can help? I am learning OBS as best I can, but am obviously new to it

Would increasing my upload speed help, or is 35-40 MBPS plenty?

Thanks in advance