Question / Help Question What to buy


New Member
Well I know that streaming with crossfire 6950 isnt the best. So my question is should I buy a new Single GPU card or just buy a Live Gamer HD?

PC Specs
3770k OC 4.8ghz
16 gb ram 2133mhz

Internet 30d 5up


What are you intending to stream? Because, quite frankly... 6950 + 3770k + 5Mbit up is mostly fine for most games.


Active Member
your 6950 should be enough but if you want to invest money for a new gpu id go with an gtx 770 right now.


New Member
Just games like Call of Duty, Dota2 , Warz, battlefield 4 when it comes out.

Do you think my main issue is im not disabling crossfire?


CFX is troublesome as it is and even more so when streaming. Anyhow, my i5 760 + HD 6870 have no issue streaming DOTA2 in 720p@60 FPS. However, CoD and WarZ are a little harder on the system requirements. GTX 770 is a valid suggestion and probably would end up giving you that supersmooth feeling.


New Member
Thanks for all the feedback. I think imma mess around with the crossfire settings and then if that doesnt help im going to just get a new single gpu..


There is no messing about with CFX settings; it won't work properly. Just disable it, never look back at the concept of SLI/CFX and get a new GPU if you must. One new GPU. :P