Question / Help Question on Base Resolutin and Downscale


New Member
Hello. I was wondering if your base resolution affects the quality at all if you are downscaling?

For example: right now I play my game in 1600x900 and downscale to 720p. Would my stream look any different/better if I played my game in 1920x1080 and downscale to 720p or will they both look the same?


Active Member
They will both look about the same.

For best quality, stream at the native resolution of the game you're playing, without resizing ANYTHING in the preview window. Downscaling always incurs a quality loss, but squashing/stretching in the preview uses a fast (and lower quality) method, and will deliver the worst quality. This includes art assets, webcam, and game captures.

Whole-frame downscale is better (in the settings) because it allows elements to alias into each other. It will still cause a visible quality hit.

Not too many want to game at 1280x720 though just so it'll look great on-stream at 720p. But it's the only way to get it to look REALLY good.