Question: HTTP request on stream start and stop

I looked around the Plugins and Tools forums, but didnt see anything that stood out to me.

I am looking for a plugin or script that will initiate an HTTP call to a remote PHP script on my web server and/or on my local network when I start and stop my stream via OBS.

I do work with Arduino micro-controllers and am looking to build an On Air light to mount outside of my broadcasting room so people who happen to be over will know if I am broadcasting or not. The only thing I would need is the ability for the external scripts and devices to be told when I go on air and when I go off air with my copy of OBS.

The easiest would be for me to make the Arduino poll the Twitch API every few seconds, but that would also catch when my podcast co-host is live on our Twitch channel. Having something unique to my local OBS client would be better in this case.


Town drunk
Not sure if that is possible in the current version of OBS, but something like this *should* be more possible after the rewrite.
thanks for the info.

I think I found a workaround which makes use of the CLR Browser Source Plugin.

I have my Arduino UNO (with an Ethernet Shield), set up to serve an HTML page with a 5 second refresh meta tag. I then add a "Browser Source" to one of my scenes, and set the URL to be the local IP address of the Arduino.

When the client (OBS) connects, it triggers the Arduino to turn on a series of LEDs. The LEDs are set to turn off if it does not get a new connection within 30 seconds. Since the URL given to the plugin forces a refresh every 5 seconds, the chances of the On-Air light going off due me stopping and then starting the stream back up due to whatever issue I may run into are low.

What is nice is I can use "Preview Stream" to test everything out without having to go live.

Next up is to get a nice box built for the On-Air light itself.