Question / Help Question about unstable bitrate


New Member
Short questions!

While streaming and i look at the corner of my OBS bitrate counter I see that i surpass my bitrate in settings alot and by much.

Im currently using 3,5k bitrate and it goes above that to like 4-4,2k sometimes.
Is this normal?
And is there any way to stabilize it?

With best regards


New Member
this is normal. if the difference is too much for your upload you may be reduce your bitrate to 3k.
No my upload speed is way above what is needed, im just thinking about people watching my stream and the cap that twitch has.

If its gonna be a problem?
Im streaming 1080p/30 fps, so i want it to be as high as possible and 1080p requires around that amount I guess.


if you arent a twitch partner i wouldnt stream at 1080p cause the bitrate is just too low. i recommend to lower down the bitrate to 2500-2800 (more compatibility for viewers) and 720p because 720p looks better with that bitrate than 1080p. if you have a good cpu you should change the preset to medium or slow. ( with slower presets you get much better video quality)


The bitrate at bottom corner show a combined bitrate of both video plus audio.

OBS x264 encoder settings have a buffer option. The buffer can allow the encoder to use extra bitrate for one second, then use less bitrate the next second to average the target bitrate. The buffer can be reduced for less fluctuations, at a cost of pulsing poor quality at every keyframe interval.

Sometimes poor connection may cause bitrate at bottom corner to drop to zero, then jump really high for one second.


Active Member
Yeah, so like the others have said, constant bitrate video isn't really constant, it can vary somewhat based on your buffer size. The variability adds to the quality of the video. You can make it vary less by lowering the buffer, but your video will look worse if you do that, just like it looks worse if you lower the bitrate.