Question / Help Question About Twitch


New Member
seeing as twitch staff is so slow, wondering in twitch chat options on users...what the heck does "Voice" "Unvoice" have. and what should it be at all the time cuz when u change it, it changes it for everyone


Community Helper
Interesting, I've never played with Twitch Voice/Unvoice options.

Twitch chat is based on IRC. In IRC, when someone has Voice, and an operator sets +m (moderated) on the channel, then only people who have voice can talk, and everyone else cannot. But as far as I can tell, Twitch doesn't have a way to set a channel as +m (maybe it can in the IRC interface? I dunno) so I'm not sure what purpose the option serves.

I wonder if anyone else has more insight into this.


Active Member
Yes, sub-only chat sets +m; subscribers are Voiced users, mods are channel ops, the caster is the channel owner. I'd assume that Twitch admins are ServOps.
I have no idea how Turbo (or standard non-admin Twitch staff) is handled though; I would assume it's part of the /query sidechannel communication (like the chatter's name-color).


Community Helper
Krazy said:
Maybe it's for stuff like subscriber only chat?
Yeah, that's the only thing I thought of, too, but then why are there voice/devoice options for channels without subscriptions enabled? And on channels with subscriptions, can you devoice a subscriber, or voice a non-subscriber?